There are 108 fixed wireless internet service providers (WISPs) in California as of our last data update in 2025.
Our count is based on FCC provider filings, updated manually to account for mergers, closures, and new company formations. 1 While WISPs historically have focused on rural service, where wireless is the only cost effective means of providing last-mile service, the technology has recently become more prevelent in urban areas.
Starry Internet is a prominent example of a California WISP providing high-speed urban service that rivals cable and even fiber in terms of service quality, speed, and latency. 2
Of the 108 fixed wireless internet providers in California, 99 offer residential services, and 90 offer business services. 81 providers in the state offer both residential and business service.
California Fixed Wireless internet providers summary
Provider | Population Covered | Download Speed | Upload Speed | Services Offered |
Valley Internet | 590,000 | 100 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Residential, Business |
Ultimate Internet Access, Inc. | 13381046 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Etheric Networks, Inc. | 6228226 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Residential, business. |
unWired Broadband Inc | 3789968 | 30 Mbps | 7 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Cruzio Internet | 3095423 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Razzo Link, Inc. | 1316602 | 30 Mbps | 6 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Starry, Inc. | 1184991 | 200 Mbps | 200 Mbps | Residential |
Fire2Wire | 1093271 | 15 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
San Diego Broadband | 1072654 | 100 Mbps | 30 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Ayera Technologies Inc | 950720 | 60 Mbps | 60 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Southern California Telephone Co. | 930840 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential |
DigitalPath, Inc | 909462 | 50 Mbps | 10 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Applied Technology Group Inc | 728003 | 25 Mbps | 10 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Succeed.Net | 705552 | 100 Mbps | 10 Mbps | Residential, business. | Inc. | 617134 | 25 Mbps | 4 Mbps | Residential, business. |
AT&T | 551048 | 10 Mbps | 1 Mbps | Residential |
Tekify Fiber & Wireless | 470364 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Antelecom Inc. | 373207 | 12 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
SDWISP | 325222 | 20 Mbps | 4 Mbps | Residential |
TPx Communications | 261710 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Business |
United States Cellular Corporation | 254455 | 2 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential |
Velocity Communications, Inc. | 243036 | 20 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
OACYS Technology | 240762 | 25 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Sail Internet | 208105 | 300 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
King Street Wireless L.P. | 193854 | 1 Mbps | 0.2 Mbps | Residential |
101Netlink | 181178 | 20 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Residential, business. |
GeoLinks | 177229 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Softcom Internet Communications, Inc. | 169115 | 50 Mbps | 25 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Valley Center Wireless | 160060 | 50 Mbps | 50 Mbps | Residential, business. |
corridor | 156179 | 10 Mbps | 10 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Napanet Internet Services | 145726 | 25 Mbps | 15 Mbps | Residential |
OutbackInternet | 144186 | 35 Mbps | 15 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Webpass, Inc. | 132888 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Residential, business. |
SmarterBroadband,Inc. | 131025 | 15 Mbps | 4 Mbps | Residential, business. |
CCT Telecomm | 122484 | 30 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Business |
Red Shift | 119958 | 10 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Sebastian | 104565 | 1.5 Mbps | 0.77 Mbps | Residential, business. |
One Ring Networks | 94694 | 500 Mbps | 500 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Conifer Communications | 90194 | 25 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Residential, business. |
AFES Network Services LLC | 80986 | 20 Mbps | 15 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Common Networks | 60110 | 300 Mbps | 300 Mbps | Residential |
Towerstream | 57452 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Business |
Ranch Wifi, LLC | 45483 | 30 Mbps | 15 Mbps | Residential, business. |
DM-Tech Internet | 45309 | 30 Mbps | 30 Mbps | Residential, business. |
South Valley Internet | 44867 | 30 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Com-Pair Services | 40120 | 10 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
SkyValleyNetwork | 37222 | 5 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Residential |
Volcano Communications Company | 24486 | 50 Mbps | 25 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Pacific Lightwave Inc | 23727 | 50 Mbps | 25 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Mountain Tower & Network Co LLC | 22062 | 20 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Cal-Ore Communications Inc. | 21860 | 25 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Advanced Wireless | 16946 | 25 Mbps | 4 Mbps | Residential, business. | | 16932 | 25 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Impulse | 16824 | 15 Mbps | 4 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Mitec Solutions | 15885 | 30 Mbps | 7 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Tierzero | 15013 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Business |
Warp2, inc | 14858 | 12 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
California Broadband Services | 14211 | 30 Mbps | 15 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Kern Valley Wireless | 13890 | 50 Mbps | 12 Mbps | Residential, business. | | 13822 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Residential, business. | | 13617 | 12 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential |
SeaKay Broadband | 13383 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Wilson Creek Communications | 13152 | 27 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Surfnet Communications | 12122 | 25 Mbps | 18 Mbps | Residential, business. |
WiFiby CV | 12071 | 25 Mbps | 26 Mbps | Residential |
Beamspeed | 10541 | 5 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Exwire Inc. | 9681 | 30 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
SkyHi Broadband | 9603 | 30 Mbps | 30 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Plumas Sierra | 9323 | 20 Mbps | 10 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Rocky Ridge Wireless | 9307 | 25 Mbps | 6 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Kingsburg Media Foundation | 7675 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
North Coast Internet | 7535 | 25 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Winters Broadband LLC | 7426 | 50 Mbps | 50 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Lake County Broadband Solutions | 5280 | 500 Mbps | 500 Mbps | Residential |
Accel Wireless | 4953 | 49 Mbps | 29 Mbps | Residential, business. |
AVISP | 4944 | 37 Mbps | 37 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Hankins Information Technology | 4517 | 50 Mbps | 50 Mbps | Residential, business. |
MountainMesh | 4188 | 24 Mbps | 24 Mbps | Residential |
Sylvernet | 4172 | 7 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential |
Tnet Broadband Internet LLC | 4064 | 31 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential |
Western Sonoma County Internet Cooperative Corporation | 3779 | 5 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential |
Sky Fiber Internet | 3436 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
CALTEL Connections | 3415 | 9 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
MINetworks | 3046 | 50 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Residential, business. |
FireServe | 2576 | 100 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Airpeak Wireless | 2460 | 3 Mbps | 3 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Stream It Networks LLC | 2157 | 20 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Residential, business. |
FractalVision | 2110 | 25 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Sidewinder Networks, LLC | 1561 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Mike Gunther Industries Inc | 1442 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Mitrelink | 1012 | 250 Mbps | 250 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Root Automation | 790 | 18 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
WISPRENN | 727 | 10 Mbps | 1 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Compudyne | 689 | 30 Mbps | 30 Mbps | Business |
EastSierra.Net | 623 | 20 Mbps | 20 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Anza Electric Cooperative | 440 | 50 Mbps | 50 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Aan Chuuphan | 427 | 3 Mbps | 1 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Choice Broadband | 415 | 9 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Lone Pine Communications,INC | 415 | 100 Mbps | 100 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Ind-Co Cable TV Inc. | 408 | 3 Mbps | 1 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Dillon Beach Internet Service | 259 | 200 Mbps | 200 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Whittrio | 226 | 1000 Mbps | 1000 Mbps | Business |
SBC Wireless Internet | 197 | 55 Mbps | 25 Mbps | Residential |
Fortis Telecom | 163 | 25 Mbps | 15 Mbps | Residential, business. |
VCA | 28 | 40 Mbps | 10 Mbps | Residential, business. |
Cybernet1 | 12 | 6 Mbps | 6 Mbps | Residential |
Tailwind Voiceand Data | 11 | 15 Mbps | 5 Mbps | Business |
California Telecom, Inc. | 0 | 0 Mbps | 0 Mbps | Business |
Spectrotel | 0 | 10 Mbps | 2 Mbps | Business |
This page is based on a database of California-based internet service providers maintained by This page updates automatically as we update the database on a monthly basis. The last modification was made in April of April.