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Cable Internet Service Providers in California

There are 33 cable internet service providers in California as of our last data update in 2025.

Our count is based on FCC provider filings, updated manually to account for mergers, closures, and new company formations. 1

Of the 33 Cable internet providers in California, 24 offer residential services, and 30 offer business services. 21 providers in the state offer both residential and business service.

We maintain price tracking for the top three major cable providers: Spectrum, Xfinity, and Cox. We also track pricing for their primary competitor, AT&T.

California Cable internet providers summary

ProviderPopulation CoveredDownload SpeedUpload SpeedServices Offered
Charter Spectrum19611628940 Mbps35 MbpsResidential, business.
XFINITY12104753987 Mbps35 MbpsResidential, business.
Cox Communications32056761000 Mbps35 MbpsResidential, business.
Wave9057811000 Mbps20 MbpsResidential, business.
Suddenlink Communications2257291000 Mbps1000 MbpsResidential, business.
Mediacom California LLC1805831000 Mbps50 MbpsResidential, business.
GIGGLE FIBER, LLC74109500 Mbps25 MbpsResidential, business.
San Bruno Cable37465300 Mbps10 MbpsResidential
Zito Media LP36981200 Mbps15 MbpsResidential, business.
Consolidated Smart Broadband Systems, LLC31005500 Mbps50 MbpsResidential, business.
Spectrotel23498350 Mbps25 MbpsBusiness
Golden Rain Foundation13916100 Mbps10 MbpsResidential
EarthLink Business, LLC1356120 Mbps20 MbpsBusiness
CalNeva Broadband1340330 Mbps5 MbpsResidential, business.
Volcano Communications Company1252350 Mbps5 MbpsResidential, business.
ProtelServicesInc9848500 Mbps250 MbpsResidential, business.
Tailwind Voiceand Data9131300 Mbps20 MbpsBusiness
Esparto Broadband Inc4887100 Mbps50 MbpsResidential, business.
Catalina Broadband Solutions LLC3714100 Mbps6 MbpsResidential, business.
Velocity Communications, Inc.3599100 Mbps10 MbpsResidential, business.
California Telecom, Inc.35480 Mbps0 MbpsBusiness
Sierra Nevada Communications, LLC302850 Mbps10 MbpsResidential, business.
Horizon Cable TV298575 Mbps10 MbpsResidential, business.
Lone Pine Communications,INC1866300 Mbps35 MbpsResidential, business.
Headland Communications113020 Mbps20 MbpsBusiness
golden valley cable and comm97210 Mbps2 MbpsResidential, business.
CyberNet383300 Mbps20 MbpsBusiness
Panterra32010 Mbps1 MbpsBusiness
Chaparral CableVision21410 Mbps2 MbpsResidential, business.
Beamspeed1305 Mbps2 MbpsResidential, business.
Ind-Co Cable TV Inc.1254 Mbps0.77 MbpsResidential
Fusion020 Mbps20 MbpsBusiness
Telesystem0172 Mbps132 MbpsBusiness

This page is based on a database of California-based internet service providers maintained by This page updates automatically as we update the database on a monthly basis. The last modification was made in January of January.

Page Summary
  • Cable internet service in California is provided by companies like Xfinity and Cox using legacy cable TV lines and infrastructure in the last mile. 95% of census blocks in the state have cable access to at least one address.
  • Cable internet is faster than DSL, but has lower upload speeds than fiber. Most major cable companies are able to deliver up to the gigabit range in download speed using the latest DOCSIS technology.
  • Spectrum is the most prevelant cable company in California, closely followed by Xfinity.

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Last Update: January 07, 2023
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